Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jacob Tyler Wolfgang

My brother is going to be in concert here in the youth room on June 6th. You wont want to miss it. Some of you will remember Jacob he led worship for us at Reality Check this past February. You may also remember that Jacob gave a little concert while we were up there. Many of you stayed and listened and waltzed. It was great! Well, we're bringing him back, this time Jacob has a new CD (he'll have copies for sale - $5, I think). I've heard it - its great! You can listen to several of Jacob's song on his myspace.

I want to let you in on a secret - we are going to be video recording the show for his website that night, so we want a ton of students there that night. Bring your friends (friends like to go to shows)! There is no cost - just come and have a blast!

Summer Schedule

Hey an updated summer schedule is posted here on the website you can get it here.

Keep checking back for updates!

Cedar Point

Calling all Senior High students! This also includes those just finishing 8th grade, and those who just graduated.

We're going to Cedar Point. If you've never been this place is a blast. I've talked to a few of you who don't want to go because of the coasters don't let that stop you! Yes, they have some of the bigger coasters in the world, but they also have a lot of other cool rides.

We're going on Tuesday, June 12th, we will meet at the church at 6:30am and get home at 2:00am. This is going to be great!

The cost is $30, I couldn't believe the price when I heard it. We're also going to take care of dinner - lunch will be on your own.

You have to check this out!

Cluster Blogging

Oh No!

I really don't want to be one of those people who blogs 6 post on the same day once a month, but here it goes anyway!

Lots of stuff today:
Reel to Real on Friday
Cedar Point Trip
Jacob Tyler Wolfgang in Concert - my bro!
Summer Schedule

Well, maybe not 6, I must say I feel a little better!