Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Poland Update #1

Thursday (Chicago)

We made it to the O'Hare 45 minutes early. Traffic was amazingly good.
We flew through check in and baggage. No problem with security. Our
red shirts sure made us stick out. On the plane we all sat together in 4 rows.
When we boarded the plane we had a delay for about an hour. Dumb cargo
door wasn't working. Most people were able to sleep through the ride.
Our on board movie was Wildhogs. ( good movie.) Because of our delay
we all thought we were going to miss our connecting flight. But it was
delayed too! One reason our plane did not take off was because a
luggage bag from Chicago was missing? (Oh no) All is well though we
don't know whose bag it was, but we all got all of ours. Apparently
it was found.


By now it's Friday at about 2:00pm Poland time. Rich, a man who is
Paul and Carlene's friend, met us at the airport. He got us our
van and our ride to the church where we would be staying around 7:30.
We exchanged some money and went shopping for supper. Our first
Polish was meal Spaghetti wooo! And we had some fruit salad.
Cooking was quite an adventure. After dinner we had our first
debrief time.


We made breakfast, and had our team devotions and took off on a great
adventure. We intended to take the tram, but the tram never came, so
we walked to the square which was about 30 minutes; we were quite a
sight people couldn't take their eyes off us. We walked around
for a good part of the afternoon, and even though we saw some familiar
stores this didn't feel like home. Our first Polish restaurant was
Pizzaski Hutski (Pizza Hut)! We walked to the mall and it was no
Concord Mall and we had Lody (which is ice cream) and even Dawn and
Matt say that it was better than Cold Stone! Afterwards we met Rich
and Paul at Sand Island; they were their to take us to the Eager's
Home and later to the Coffee House. So far it's a great time and
we love it. Thank you to everyone who helped us, and thank you for
praying for us. Czesic (bye).

~The Updaters

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